How to Make Nettle Insecticide

Creating nettle insecticide is a simple and effective process for keeping pests at bay. Here’s a basic guide to help you make it:


  • Fresh nettle leaves (wear gloves when handling)
  • Water
  • Organic, non-toxic soap (optional, to help the spray stick to plants)


  1. Collect Nettle Leaves: Gather fresh nettle leaves, ideally in the growing season. Wear gloves to avoid getting stung by the plant.
  2. Prepare a Container: Fill a large container or bucket with water, using roughly 1 part nettle leaves to 5 parts water. For instance, if you have 1 quart of nettle leaves, use 5 quarts of water.
  3. Soak the Leaves: Allow the nettle leaves to soak in the water for about 24 to 48 hours. This shorter steeping period extracts compounds that are effective against pests without being too concentrated.
  4. Strain the Mixture: After soaking, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cloth into a spray bottle, leaving the leaves behind.
  5. Add Soap (Optional): Add a few drops of organic, non-toxic soap to the mixture. The soap helps the liquid adhere to the leaves and pests.
  6. Apply to Plants: Spray the nettle insecticide directly onto the leaves of your plants, targeting areas where pests tend to gather. Be sure to cover both the upper and lower sides of the leaves for best results. Reapply every 7-10 days, or after rain, as needed.

How to Use Nettle-Based Solutions Effectively

  • For Nettle Fertilizer: Use diluted nettle fertilizer during the growing season to feed your plants. Water the soil around the base of the plants or apply it as a foliar spray.
  • For Nettle Insecticide: Use the spray during times of pest infestations. Reapply regularly to keep pests at bay.

By incorporating nettle fertilizer and nettle insecticide into your gardening routine, you can boost plant health and manage pests in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way.