How to Create a No-Dig Flowerbed for an Easy Start to a Garden

Put away your shovel! Creating a new flowerbed can be effortless with a no-dig approach. Similar to lasagna gardening, a no-dig flowerbed utilizes natural elements like weather and soil organisms—earthworms, bacteria, and fungi—to convert bare turf into fertile planting space. No digging required, no sweat needed. By layering newspaper and compost directly on top of the turf, you can transform it into 6-8 inches of nutrient-rich topsoil over several months. This method can be initiated at any time of year, but starting in the fall allows the soil to develop through winter, ready for planting in late spring or early summer.

Step 1: Define Your No-Dig Flowerbed
Choose the location for your no-dig flowerbed and mark its outline using spray paint or a sprinkle of flour. While removing the top layer of sod can accelerate the planting process, it’s optional. You can start layering directly on top of the grass.

Step 2: Layer Building
Cover the outlined area with a layer of newspaper, about six sheets thick, ensuring it covers the entire space. Use a garden hose to thoroughly wet the paper, aiding in decomposition and keeping it in place. Next, spread 3-6 inches of compost over the newspaper layer. If you don’t have homemade compost, municipal sources or commercially available topsoil are suitable alternatives. Then, allow nature to take its course—over time, the layers will break down, smothering weeds and transforming the underlying grass into fertile soil.

This no-dig flowerbed method is a straightforward and environmentally friendly way to prepare a planting area without disturbing the existing turf, making gardening more accessible and enjoyable.