How to Make and Use Nettle Fertilizer Syrup

Nettle fertilizer syrup is an organic, nutrient-rich solution that can significantly enhance the growth and health of your vegetable garden. Packed with essential nutrients, nettles offer a natural alternative to chemical fertilizers, making them a fantastic choice for sustainable gardening practices. This guide will walk you through the process of creating nettle fertilizer syrup and how to apply it effectively in your garden.

Why Use Nettle Fertilizer Syrup?

Nettles are a powerhouse of nutrients, including nitrogen, potassium, and trace minerals, which are vital for plant growth. Using nettle fertilizer syrup not only enriches your soil but also strengthens plants against pests and diseases, supporting a healthier and more resilient garden.

Ingredients and Materials Needed

  • Fresh nettle leaves
  • Water
  • A large non-metallic container (plastic or wooden)
  • A stirring stick
  • A strainer or cloth
  • Protective gloves (to avoid stings)

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Nettle Fertilizer Syrup

1. Harvesting Nettles

  • Wear Gloves: Always use gloves to protect your hands from stinging.
  • Choose the Right Time: Harvest nettles in spring or early summer before they flower. Cut the top 6-8 inches of the plants for maximum nutrient density.

2. Preparing the Container

  • Select a Container: Use a large non-metallic container to avoid reactions with the mixture. Plastic buckets or wooden barrels are ideal.

3. Filling the Container

  • Add Nettles: Fill the container with the harvested nettles. Crush or chop them slightly to release more nutrients. Aim to fill the container halfway.

4. Adding Water

  • Cover with Water: Pour water over the nettles, ensuring they are fully submerged. A ratio of approximately 1 part nettles to 10 parts water is recommended.
  • Mix Well: Stir the mixture to ensure all nettles are soaked.

5. Fermentation Process

  • Cover Loosely: Use a breathable cover to allow gases to escape.
  • Ferment: Let the mixture sit for 2-3 weeks, stirring occasionally. Expect a strong odor during this time, indicating the extraction of nutrients.

6. Straining the Syrup

  • Strain: After fermentation, use a cloth or strainer to separate the liquid from the solid plant material. The liquid is your nettle fertilizer syrup.

Using Nettle Fertilizer Syrup in Your Garden


  • Concentration: Nettle fertilizer syrup is very concentrated and should always be diluted before use. Mix one part syrup with ten parts water for a nutrient-rich feed.


  • Watering: Apply the diluted syrup around the base of your vegetable plants every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Avoid pouring it on the leaves to prevent burning.

Foliar Spray

  • Extra Boost: For an additional nutrient boost, dilute the syrup further (1 part syrup to 20 parts water) and use it as a foliar spray. Apply in the early morning or late evening to avoid the hottest part of the day.

Benefits of Nettle Fertilizer Syrup

  • Enhanced Growth: The high nitrogen content encourages vigorous growth and lush foliage.
  • Disease Resistance: Nettles contain compounds that enhance plants’ immune systems, making them more resilient to diseases and pests.
  • Soil Health: Regular application improves soil structure and fertility, promoting a thriving ecosystem in your garden.

Tips for Success

  • Regular Use: Consistent application throughout the growing season will ensure plants receive a steady supply of nutrients.
  • Complementary Fertilizers: Combine nettle fertilizer syrup with other organic fertilizers, such as compost or manure tea, for a balanced nutrient profile.
  • Sourcing Nettles: If fresh nettles are unavailable, you can use dried nettles by rehydrating them in water and following the same fermentation process.


Making and using nettle fertilizer syrup is an excellent way to nourish your vegetable garden organically. This simple, cost-effective fertilizer supports plant health and growth, contributing to a bountiful and sustainable harvest. By incorporating nettle fertilizer syrup into your gardening routine, you’ll enjoy vibrant vegetables and a thriving garden ecosystem. Happy gardening!